Father, I reaffirm my faith in You, Your Word, and Your promise to fulfill what You said. I look to You and seek the fullness of Your power in my life. Right now, I open myself to You. I trust You with my inadequacies and the secrets in my life. I submit the imagery of my mind to You and I repent of my attraction to Satan’s false imagery. My involvement in this sinful practice has opened the door to fears and secrets that have bound me and caused me to miss Your will. I do not want the enemy to trick and limit me anymore. No longer do I want to escape my life, but I desire to live for You, Father, from this day forth. I rededicate my life to You, Lord. Help me to be good soil upon which the seed of Your Word will bear fruit. Today, I turn from Satan as my source of information to You.

Father, forgive me. Jesus, cleanse me with Your blood. Set me free from my secrets and the bondage to fear. Loose me from the chains in my life. Help me to overcome all barriers regarding drugs, finances, relationships, jobs, marriage, sexual perversion, anger, and everything else the enemy has tried to bind me with. I declare the Word of God will destroy the chambers of evil imagery in my life. I rebuke all demonic images of fear. I rebuke the pictures in my mind that have tried to make me feel inadequate and unqualified for God’s grace and promise. I speak to the tormenting pictures the devil has given to me: you will no longer bind me. I bind you! Loose my body and mind, in Jesus’ name! Fears, release me now. I refuse to cower in fear any longer. You will not cripple me in my flesh today, condemn me for my past, or cause my former failures to be repeated in my future. I speak to those demonic images, to the fear of man, to every sense of guilt and shame, go from me, in the name of Jesus. You have no power over my life, for Jesus bore my guilt and shame. I will not live with you anymore. I am free from all demonic strongholds, in Jesus’ name!

I call on You, Holy Spirit, my Helper, to replace the devil’s imageries that have snared me and pictured me in the imagery of failure. I ask You, Spirit of God, to bring into my life renewed images of the Lord’s deliverance and hope. I believe that You will perform a miracle in my life and redirect me in the path of righteousness. Help me to walk in Your ways from this day forth, so I may fulfill Your purpose for my life. Thank You, Jesus, for washing me with Your blood, so I can come to my Father’s throne this day. You are worthy. I give to You all the praise, glory, and honor for this testimony of deliverance from Satan’s imagery in my life! In Jesus’ name. Amen.