My Lord, please have mercy upon me and allow Your grace to abound in my life. I ask You to please search me through and remove all of the demonic spirits that are attached to me, or that are residing in me, in Jesus’ Name. I understand that this earth is ruled by deception through satan’s kingdom and causes delusion, compromise, confusion, bondage, fear, and false doctrines by these deceiving, seducing spirits of evil.

I want to be free from all lies, fables, fear, lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life, that causes me to sow in the flesh and reap corruption; opening doors to the demonic presence and influence in my life.

I repent for any association, agreement, or approval of all these spirits of deception, false doctrine, lust, worldliness, and fear that have promoted satan’s kingdom, and will, in my life. In Jesus’ Name.

I take my authority, and I command all seducing spirits of deception, delusion, confusion, compromise, complacency, laziness, manipulation, and fear to leave my spirit, soul, mind, body, health, finances, family, relationships, business, and projects according to the will and word of God. I cast you spirits out and command you to go to the pit in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

Lord, please grant me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a pure heart to follow and obey You. Guide me in the path of righteousness and truth, manifesting Your word, power, and favor all the days of my life. Allow me to be a witness of Your love, power, and truth; bringing glory to Your name while I maintain my breath on this side. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.