Holy Father, I call on the Name of Jesus to help me and free me from the spirit of perversion. I ask for Your mercy, grace, and forgiveness for all unclean acts, words, and thoughts that displease You. Please search me through and remove all spirits of perverseness: homosexuality, lesbianism, incubus and succubus, bestiality, sodomy, and every foul, unclean spirit that causes me to stumble. Remove from me all sexual desires to individuals other than my spouse, individuals of the same gender, animals, idols, and pornography. Place in me a new spirit with the gender You created me, and instill in me a pure heart that pleases You.

I break all soul ties, emotional attachments, strongholds, and any perverse habits that have been inherited or self inflicted. I command all of these spirits to leave me, my children and grandchildren, and any offspring of my family line, and I command them to go to the pit in Jesus’ Mighty Name. I commit to You my life and I ask You to guide me, perfect me, protect, and prosper me for Your glory. Please fill me with Your spirit and power that I may be one with You; overflowing with perfect love, expressing Christ’s character as a witness to the Life Giver, who changes my life.
I am standing on Your word, which brings freedom, so that I no longer open doors to a perverse lifestyle. I believe in the anointing that breaks the bondage of deceptive desires and entanglements of this world. I am committed to do Your will and declare Your freedom in all areas of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.