My Lord, You said the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The ruler of this earth, satan’s kingdom, blinds people to the truth of Your message and causes them to perish by keeping them in a state of deception. You have come to set me free and bring me sight, that I might follow You all the way home. So, I beseech You my Lord for Your mercies and grace to abound in me richly as I repent for all of my sins, transgressions, and iniquities in my life and family line. I understand that I was born with scales on my eyes and Jesus came to bring me true spiritual sight.

I ask that You search me through and remove those things that offend You and cause me to stumble. I ask that You bring Your light, truth, life, healing, and power into every part of my members and being. Please cleanse me with the blood of Jesus and allow the anointing of the Holy Spirit to break every yoke of bondage in my life, and remove the scales on my eyes and heart that I may see, hear, receive, and follow. In Jesus Name, I now take my authority as an heir of Christ and bind, blind, mute and deafen every spirit of veil, and any deaf and dumb spirits that have attached themselves to my eyes, ears, heart, and mind breaking their power and influence from this moment on sending them to the pit in Jesus Name. Please grant me spiritual sight to see through the dimensional veils and make the unseen to become seen exposing all influence in Jesus Name.