Father, I come to You in the Mighty name of Jesus and I ask for Your help in freeing me from the Spirit of Insecurity. I repent for allowing this spirit to dictate my thoughts, actions, words, desires, and motives. Lord, please search me through and remove from me any doubt, uncertainty, blindness, and denial that would prevent me from seeing clearly. I repent for any of my actions or the actions associated with my ancestors that have opened the door to allow this spirit to have accessed myself and my family line. I break and loose myself from the spirit of insecurity and any associated spirits of torment, fear, manipulation, oppression, bondage, and inferiority.

I come against any and all spirits of perfectionism, self hatred, contention, and strife, self-mutilation, eating disorders, and destruction, and I command these spirits go to the pit in Jesus Mighty Name. I apply the blood of Jesus over these areas severing me from my past and allowing me to walk forward and free from insecurity.

Father I ask that You would purge me with Your presence, realign my mind with who You say that I am, and cause me to make the ultimate exchange on a daily basis. Lord give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to follow You all the days of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.